Why You Should Never Start Lopping Off Parts of Your Troublesome Tree

Tree lopping sounds like quite an easy task. If you have a tree with branches growing dangerously close to power lines, touching parts of your property or blocking too much sunlight, you may be considering getting up a ladder and hacking away at the troublesome branches. While the actual act of cutting off parts of a tree isn't too difficult, even if it can be dangerous, that's not where the main problem lies. Read More 

Torn Between a Tree and a View: Keeping Your Tree Without Losing Your View

Trees have no choice but to grow until they reach their optimal height and width. Therefore, if you can see that you are in danger of losing an attractive view to a rapidly growing tree, swift action is required. However, unless you yourself are a trained and certified arborist, it would be unwise to tackle the job yourself. If you wish to preserve both your tree and the view that lies beyond it, you need the experience and skills of a tree lopping professional. Read More 

When Willows Make You Weep: Why You Should Remove That Weeping Willow Next to Your Home

Do you have a weeping willow tree in close proximity to your home? Then you should probably consider removing it before it damages your property and the surrounding area. Weeping willows, pencil willows and pussy willows are three of Australia's most invasive weeds and are responsible for causing millions of dollars worth of damage throughout the country. Although weeping willows are a restricted invasive plant, they do spread fairly easily and if allowed to grow to maturity, will cause havoc in the surrounding area. Read More 

Having A Tree Removed? Here’s What To Do With The Stump!

Trees are a stunning addition to any garden, but not all trees are viable in the long term. Some block the light to your windows or the view from a balcony. Others are simply too large and too close, meaning that their root systems risk damaging the foundations of the building. In many cases, particularly with older or larger trees, you'll find that a tree removal service leaves behind a stump once the tree is gone--but this doesn't need to be a drawback! Read More 

Options For Supporting Leaning Trees

Sometimes, storms can bring down even the sturdiest mature trees, especially if they are carrying a full canopy of summer leaves. However, younger trees can be pushed over so that they are left leaning dangerously. It's best to ask a professional tree services contractor to deal with leaning trees, and there are a number of methods at their disposal. Here's an overview of three ways in which your tree services contractor could save your leaning trees. Read More